Quality Aluminium Windows & Doors
Affordability | Quality | Style
AIS Aluminium Windows & Doors installs aluminium window frames in a range of sizes and colours. Building owners and contractors are choosing aluminium window frames more and more over the years, since they are practical, beautiful and climate resistant. It is due to these advantages that aluminium window frames are installed more often than not these days.
Stunning Aluminium Windows
Call us Today: 073 563 3819
Stunning Aluminium Sliding & Stacking Doors
We specialize in all types of aluminium sliding doors, stacking/folding doors and hinged doors. All our doors come standard with tested and approved hardware and are glazed to AAAMSA specifications ensuring your safety and comfort.
Get an Instant Quote from the industry leaders of Affordable Aluminium Windows & Doors in Gauteng.
We give a 2 Year Workmanship guarantee and 5 year & a 5 Year guarantee on all our aluminium frames.