AIS Aluminium Windows & Doors
Our products include a variety of styles of aluminium windows, doors, Verandah enclosures, frameless showers, shop fronts, balustrading and repairs of any nature.
working with us
Aluminium Windows & Doors Installation Services in Pretoria & Gauteng
how we help
Our Capabilities

Various Ways to Use Aluminium in Your Home or Workspace.
Aluminium windows, door frames and glass support can be used in so many ways.
Due to the nature of the material being exceptionally light, aesthetically pleasing, water resistant and not to mention one can also design, shape and size the metal to basically any form, we have thus been able to supply and fit an extensive range of aluminium doors and windows to clients for just about all type of building project.
what we do
Our Services
Our team of expert advisors are standing by to assist you with all your aluminium installation and stainless steel balustrade needs. With over 16 years of experience between us, your home and office building needs are in the best hands!
Here at AIS Aluminium Windows & Doors we pride ourselves in providing a 100% satisfaction guaranteed service to all our clients. If there is any part of our service you are not 100% satisfied in, we guarantee return and resolution until the job has been done to your satisfaction.
Aluminium Installations to Inspire You
our gallery
We all need a bit of inspiration when it comes to choosing the look and feel of our work or living spaces. We’ve put together a gallery of our favourite projects. Prepare to be inspired!
Our Clients
Quality Products
How can we let the light into your building spaces?
Call or email one of our friendly consults