Quality Aluminium Windows & Doors Installation & Repairs In Waterfall estate
Keep your Aluminium Windows & Doors Strong & Secure With Our Expert Servicing & Repairs
Refurbishing a home can be the most perplexing phase for you as a homeowner. It is about striking the perfect balance between aesthetics and durability. And, even after you’ve made a choice, you secretly hope it’s the right one. Of many of the build materials on the market, you can bet your money on aluminum. Take our word for it. The hard-wearing nature and solid structure of this metal makes it most-suited for the outdoors; you get the best value for money! What’s more? The sleek lines and the ability to customize with a preferred colour and finish can transform your space.
At AIS Aluminium Windows & Doors, we provide an end-to-end service for aluminum doors and windows installation in Pretoria. Get in touch with us. We’ll get back to you with an obligation-free quote. But let’s first help you understand the types of aluminum doors and windows.
Types Of Aluminium Windows We Install & Repair In Waterfall estate
The following are the major types of aluminum windows based on glazing, opening-mechanism, and ease-of-maintenance.

Double Glazed Aluminium Windows in Waterfall estate
Our double-glazed aluminium windows promise a warm and cozy space. A vacuumed-sealed air pocket sandwiched between two panels of glass lock heat inside your home.
Double-glazed windows offer great insulation and maintain optimum in-house temperatures. They also do a better job at noise reduction than their single-paned counterparts. We offer double-glazed windows for commercial and residential set-ups.
Need Double Glazed Aluminium Windows? Call us on 073 563 3819 for a quote!
Aluminium Tilt And Turn Windows In Waterfall estate
If ventilation is a priority, the tilt and turn design is right for you.
Tilt and turn windows are designated such because of the angle at which they open. The design enables vertical or horizontal movement. You can open it up all the way inward, much like a traditional side-suspended casement window. Alternately, it could be tilted to allow air and light to flood in, while keeping the weather elements out.
A versatile design, thermal efficiency and ease-of-maintenance are the highlights of our tilt and turn aluminum windows in Midrand.
Call Us On 073 563 3819 For A Free Quote!

Quality Sliding Aluminium Windows in Waterfall estate

Sliding aluminum windows are a popular choice in modern homes for their space saving design.
The aluminum-framed glass panels fit on a track along which they move. True to their name, they slide open horizontally to open; the panels sit one behind the other when open and unfold when closed.
We generally install sliding aluminum windows in smaller homes that do not have much clearance space. An additional layer of glazing can help boost insulation and energy efficiency.
Casement Aluminium Windows in Waterfall estate
The casement window is the classic design in aluminum windows. No doubt, powder-coats can freshen up the look to complement a contemporary interior design.
Also called crank windows, casement windows are suspended to the frame, along both sides using hinges. Traditional designs feature a handle used to crank open the window. Our casement aluminum models open outward allowing tones of light and air inside your home. They mimic the look of an awning window when closed. Casement windows are among the most energy-efficient designs. They are also convenient to clean. However, they could be an obstruction when open.
Call Us On 073 563 3819 For A Free Quote!

Sash Aluminium Windows in Waterfall estate

A sash window is hinged either from the top or along the sides. They are designed to open outwards. The locks on these sash windows seal them completely guaranteeing higher energy efficiency.
Available in single, double and triple-glazed variants, we will help you decide on the correct sash aluminum window for your home.
Types Of Aluminium Doors We Install & Repair In Waterfall estate
The following are the major types of aluminum doors our team repairs and installs in Midrand based on glazing, opening-mechanism, and ease-of-maintenance.
Aluminium Sliding Doors
Much like our range of aluminum sliding windows, we’ve seen sliding doors become the favourite because of their ergonomic design – practical, space-saving yet stylish.
With designs extending from floor-to-ceiling, they slide back and forth, horizontally. Sliding doors open up a space beautifully by seamlessly merging rooms. They are ideal for patios too. They allow maximum flow of light and air into your space. Get in touch with us for more on sliding aluminum doors in Pretoria.
Call Us On 073 563 3819 For A Free Quote!

Aluminium Pivot Doors

Our pivot aluminum doors in Midrand stand out with their swing mechanism.
The door is fitted at two points – on the top and bottom – along the vertical axis. The pivot causes the door to rotate and open smoothly, rendering them a perfect option for homes with children and seniors. That said, we’ve fitted pivot aluminum doors in commercial houses too. It is a stylish addition and conveys a modern appeal.
The sleek profile is a highlight of pivot doors. There are no traditional side hinges on this door design. Made of sturdy materials, they tough and withstand wear. The swivel opening motion enables free flow in heavy traffic areas.
Aluminium Stacking Doors
The stack door is a multi-panel design that is built like a sliding window. The panels slide, either to one side or both, and pile up one on top of the other.
We advise fitting a stack door to show the transition from an indoor space to an outdoor one. A stack door is visually appealing and offers several advantages. They lend a modern look. Given that it operates on a rack and does not need clearance room, it maximizes on space.
You can adjust the amount of light streaming in by opening as many panels you want. Glazed variants ensure proper insulation.
Call Us On 073 563 3819 For A Free Quote!

Aluminium Hinge Doors

The hinge door is a traditional design. The door is supported by means of hinges, fitted either on the left or right.
There are inward and outward opening hinge door designs at. It is a simple, budgeted aluminum door, that is easy to install and maintain. You can pick a finish that complements your interior design. Our top-quality doors are well-rated for heating and cooling and noise cancellation.
Think your home could benefit from an aluminum window or door installation?
Give Faerie Glen’s aluminium door specialists a call today! You can also send us your requirements by filling in the form on our website. One of our team members will get back and take the required measurements. You get an obligation free-quote!
Types Of Aluminium Doors We Service & Repair
Expert Aluminium Door Servicing And Repairs
Regular servicing and repairs of aluminium doors are essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. AIS offers expert and reliable services that cater to all types of aluminium doors. We offer quality workmanship, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to schedule a servicing or repair appointment for your aluminium door.

Ready to get started? Give us a call on 073 563 3819
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Vernon Raymond Carr
Don Barry
Brendan Michie